When did you start investing? I started at 45… now 47 and wondering why I didn’t start sooner

I’m in my mid-50s and started in my mid-30s, so I’ve been at it for 20 years. Never made more than $100K a year until last year, but I have high six figures saved and a house worth $400K (with only $65K left on the mortgage).

Also have a modest pension kicking in when I retire in five years. If I could give my younger self advice, it would be simple: buy and hold. You got this!

I started late too. Always put something in my 401(k) but never really took investing seriously until I was 39. Now I’m 44, and I still have over 20 years to let compounding do its thing.

My goal is to use investing to give myself options—so I don’t HAVE to retire at a certain age, but instead, whenever I want.

It’s never too late. You started, and that’s what matters!

People 40+ just didn’t have the same access to investing tools and resources. It was possible, but way more effort.

I started a 401(k) at 27 in 2010 but barely contributed. By 2018, I realized I wasn’t saving enough, so I started maxing it out. Then in 2021, I opened a Fidelity brokerage and started dumping every extra dollar into index funds. Now I’m 41 and feel a lot better about my financial future. But yeah, I still wish my 18-year-old self had planned better.

Totally agree. I’m 23, and when I wanted to start at 18, there weren’t many good low-fee options in Europe. The investing world is so much more accessible now.

Chen said:
Totally agree. I’m 23, and when I wanted to start at 18, there weren’t many good low-fee options in Europe. The investing world is so much more accessible now.

Yeah, Europe has always been behind the US in terms of low-cost investing. But somehow, they’re way ahead when it comes to online gambling.