Is Uranium a smart investment for 2025 with nuclear energy on the rise?

With more countries turning to nuclear energy as a cleaner option, uranium demand seems to be growing. Could it be a good investment for 2025? I’d love to hear your thoughts—are you investing in uranium or considering it? What are the upsides and risks you see in this market?

This reminds me of the lithium hype in early 2020. Those stocks never really recovered.

With a Geiger counter in my hand
I’m staking claims on government land

Uranium fever got me down again.

Mika said:
With a Geiger counter in my hand
I’m staking claims on government land

Uranium fever got me down again.

Took no time for this comment to show up!

I’ve heard this before.

People who bought uranium in 2007 are still in the red.

Bao said:
I’ve heard this before.

People who bought uranium in 2007 are still in the red.

Are you saying the price won’t recover? My understanding is uranium demand is cyclical. 2007 was the last peak, and while there are no guarantees, the current trend looks promising. Why assume it won’t run up again?

Nuclear energy is already more expensive than renewables. I wouldn’t bet on another cycle happening anytime soon.

Those comparisons are misleading. You can’t directly compare renewables to nuclear since nuclear is baseload power while renewables have fluctuating output. Look at Germany’s grid—they rely on coal alongside renewables, while nuclear-powered France produces way less CO2. The issues with renewables scaling up make nuclear look more appealing again.

The big issue with nuclear is public opinion. Japan was all-in on nuclear until Fukushima in 2011. After that, they cut back, even though it led to an energy crisis. Support for nuclear is growing again, but these shifts take decades.

Thanks for the explanation and the link.

Bao said:
I’ve heard this before.

People who bought uranium in 2007 are still in the red.

I’m part of a supply chain bidding on SMR (small modular reactor) rollouts in Europe and the UK. They’re on the radar for several countries.

SMRs sound great in theory, but we’re still waiting for a working prototype. Even if one existed today, it would take years for safety testing, permits, and deployment.

If everyone knows demand is rising, it’s probably already priced in. If you believe demand will grow faster than expected, that’s where the opportunity is, but I didn’t see any evidence for that here.

Do I think energy demand will increase? Yes, absolutely.

Do I think nuclear will be the solution? Not necessarily. Nuclear power plants take years to build, so any surge in demand won’t happen overnight. Without industry knowledge, I’d rather stick to utilities or broader energy plays.

The lead times for nuclear are ridiculous. Even if we wanted more plants, it would take decades for them to come online. Uranium seems like a high-risk, low-reward bet.

China is pushing ahead fast. They’ve got 22 plants under construction and plans for 70 more.

This topic pops up every few weeks. The hype never really sticks.

I’ve lost enough trying to predict uranium stocks. Mining stocks are notoriously hard to profit from.

Why the obsession with uranium? Plutonium can also run reactors.

I invested in uranium after Fukushima and sold everything by 2018. Here’s why uranium stocks are tough:

  1. New reactors take decades to plan and build, and aging reactors are being shut down instead of upgraded.
  2. Nuclear accidents hammer the industry, leading to shutdowns and slower adoption.
  3. The waste problem remains unresolved—no one wants nuclear waste near them.

Nuclear is a safer energy source overall, but its bad reputation makes mass adoption unlikely.