Inherited $200K… now what?

Baer said:

Cove said:
Is the money in stocks or cash?

Mostly stocks, with about 35% in a money market fund.

At 25, just leave it alone. The market always goes up long-term. If you want to move to safer options, fine, but don’t keep shifting things around.

That’s where I’m leaning. Stick to safer investments, make money, but not chase high returns. Play it safe for 5 years?

Baer said:
That’s where I’m leaning. Stick to safer investments, make money, but not chase high returns. Play it safe for 5 years?

More like 10 years. But yeah, patience is key.

If you think the world will exist in 40 years, put it in VTI and check once a year.

If you don’t think the world will exist in 40 years, buy land, gold, and weapons.

I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but here we are.

Invest some of it in yourself. Are there skills, training, or career changes you’ve always wanted to pursue? This money could help you make that happen.

Also, if you have any high-interest debt, wipe that out first.

Then, just dump the rest into boring index funds (VTSAX, VTIAX) and let time do the work.

Lucky you… just don’t do anything for now!