How much of your paycheck do you invest?

I’m 18 and just started investing regularly. I make a little under $300 a week, about $1,100 a month. I’m trying to figure out how much I should put into stocks. Right now, I’m saving 15% in a savings account that earns 4% interest monthly.

Any advice on what percentage I should invest would be awesome.

EDIT: I started investing about a month ago. I’ve got just over $600 in savings, around $60 in a few stocks, and $60 in Bitcoin because I figured, why not?

I invest about 30% of my take-home pay, around $1,500 a month. My net worth is about $280k now.

Tobin said:
I invest about 30% of my take-home pay, around $1,500 a month. My net worth is about $280k now.

That’s impressive. I’m not far off from your income, but I struggle to save even 10%.

It really depends on where you live. That can make a big difference.

I save and invest about 30-35% of my take-home pay.

Why not take that 15% from your savings and invest it?

Remy said:
Why not take that 15% from your savings and invest it?

I’ve always heard it’s important to have an emergency fund. That’s the main reason I’ve been putting money into the savings account.

I try to save and invest 20-30%.

Only invest what you can afford to lose. If you’re okay with a 20-30% drop in your portfolio, then invest more. Since you’re just starting out, I’d stick with index funds. As you gain experience, you can branch out into individual stocks. Long-term, the stock market will outperform savings accounts, as long as you avoid risky decisions.

I put about 50-60% into investments.

Save and invest as much as you can while you’re young. Even if it’s not much, it’s about building the habit. Try for at least 50% of your take-home pay. Look up ‘paying yourself first’—it’ll change how you think about saving.

I invest about 30% of my paycheck—15% into my 401k and 15% into my ESPP.

For me, it’s 20% for living expenses, 20% toward house payments, and 60% into investments.

I save and invest 60-70%. My net worth is around $720k.

I put about 50% into investments.

62.563%. Just kidding, but it’s close to that!

Here’s my breakdown:

  1. $100 to short-term savings (I also have an emergency fund).
  2. 10% into a 401k (~$483).
  3. Max out my Roth IRA (~$291).
  4. Max out my spouse’s Roth IRA (~$291).
  5. $150 to a brokerage account.
  6. $100 to Coinbase (65% BTC, 20% ETH, 10% ATOM, 5% DOT).

All in all, I’m investing about $2,630 a month.

Any percentage works as long as your expenses are under control. If you can stick to 30%, that’s fantastic. As your income grows, you can shift to a fixed amount instead of a percentage. I started saving $1k a week a few years ago and now invest any leftover lump sums at the start of the year.

Forget percentages. Keep six months of expenses in savings and invest everything else.
