I’m 36, no kids (just my pup), and I think I’ve been handling my finances the wrong way. Time to change that.
Here’s my current situation:
$140K sitting in a HYSA
$25K-$30K per contract (travel work)
Two rental properties (one I stay in part-time when not traveling)
$47K HELOC at 7.5%
Some credit card debt (but all no-interest and low enough that I’m not worried)
My plan (tell me if I’m on the right track):
Pay off the HELOC completely (brings me down to ~$90K to invest)
Invest $70K into ETFs
70% VTI / 30% VXUS (I’m reading The Simple Path to Wealth and trying to keep things simple)
Keep $20K in savings as an emergency fund
What would you do differently? I work when I want, so money isn’t my #1 priority—time is. Just looking for smart, low-maintenance moves. Appreciate any insights!
Your strategy looks solid. Just remember ETFs are long-term plays (10+ years). If the market dips in the short term, don’t panic and sell. As long as you’re comfortable letting your money sit through the ups and downs, you’re golden.
If you don’t need to touch the money for a long time (like retirement savings), VOO (S&P 500 ETF) might be better than VTI. Historically, it has outperformed.
Also, if you’re feeling adventurous, DCA a small % into Bitcoin for fun.
Over time, you can shift toward safer assets (bonds, dividend stocks) if needed.
I like your plan, but I wouldn’t dump all $70K in at once. Instead, I’d dollar-cost average ($500-$1,000 per week).
While lump sum investing historically performs better, right now the economy feels unstable. Spreading it out reduces the risk of buying at a market peak.